My freelance business is changing once again. After taking some time out to recall what gives meaning to my life I decided to re-prioritize.
No more small projects. I’ve realized I do highly professional work. I’m not the new kid on the freelance block and I shouldn’t sell myself for cheap.
Working with small clients demands a lot of energy and doesn’t pay much in return. I prefer to concentrate on premium clients doing high level projects. Let the part time students & newbies handle the rest.
In fact, I decided to strengthen my relationship with the awesome BrushGunz design studios. They’re talented pros doing beautiful work and we get along amazingly well.
Aside from web development I’ve stepped up my other activities. They are no longer hobbies, but part of a career. I’ve joined IDC Radio as a musical editor & broadcaster with my very own show, a dream come true!
I’m also doing more writing than ever before for my blogs + fun travel writing for Best Of Tel Aviv. I even bought a vintage typewriter for my real world needs. Typing on it is way more satisfying than my laptop.